Expiration Date and Lot Number
Every bottle, packet, or roll or SaltStick electrolytes is clearly labeled with the product’s expiration date and lot number. Please scroll down for instructions on how to locate the expiration date and lot number on your product.
We recommend replacing product that has passed the expiration date. You may choose to consume expired product, however, you do so at your own risk. We have provided our most frequently asked questions about product safety on our FAQ page.
The expiration date and lot number of Caps and Race Ready Caps and Caps Plus bottles will be found on either the back of the label, or the bottom of the bottle. The expiration date and lot number of Caps and Race Ready Caps and Caps Plus packets will be found on the back of the packet.
In this example from a bottle of SaltStick Caps PLUS, the Lot # is 10280 and the Expiration Date is 4/2019 (April 2019).
In this example from a bottle of SaltStick Caps, the Lot # is 9978 and the Expiration Date is 12/2018 (December 2018).
In this example of Caps PLUS sample packet, the expiration is June 2020, and the lot number is 616012.
The expiration date and lot number of Fastchews packets will be found on the back of the packet, or the bottom of a box of 12 packets. The expiration date and lot number of Fastchews bottles will be found on the bottom of the bottle.
In this example from a Fastchews 10ct packet, the expiration is November 2020 and the lot number is 173419.
In this example from a Fastchews 10ct box of 12 packets, the expiration is November 2020 and the lot number is 173418.
In this example of Fastchews 60ct, the expiration is February 2019 and the lot number is 164469.