What is Vitassium? A comic by PotsieSpoons
While there is no single "cure" for autonomic dysfunction, there are many treatment options that can help manage symptoms. One common treatment is for patients to increase their daily sodium intake. However, many individuals receive little more information or guidance on effective methods to increase sodium intake.
Vitassium is a medical food specifically formulated for the dysautonomia and chronic illness community. To explain Vitassium in greater detail, we collaborated with the artist PotsieSpoons to help illustrate dysautonomia and how she uses Vitassium to help manage her symptoms. We hope this comic is a helpful educational tool for you and anyone who would like to learn about Vitassium!
Special thanks to Vanessa (AKA Potsie) for dedicating many spoons to create this comic. If you would like to support Potsie further, follow @potsiespoons on Instagram and support PotsieSpoons on Patreon.
To download this comic as a PDF, click here.
Follow @vitassium on Instagram
Learn more about dysautonomia at DysautonomiaInternational.org